l The only way out is through.







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How many times have we walked by someone on the street or in a hallway and instead of saying hello we pretend we don't see them? The truth is that all of us, deep down inside, have a need to be seen, acknowledged and appreciated. We are on a spiritual journey that can at times be very lonely. And one of the simplest and most effective ways to help our fellow traveler is to smile and say hello.

Ron Atchison

The journey
you wish to take
can only begin
from where you are
right now
this very minute.

Ron Atchison

When the people decide they want peace more than security, they will find both.

Ron Atchison

If there's something special you want to do, now is the time... if you want to make a difference in the world, now is the time. Don't be fooled into thinking you should wait until you are older or wiser or more 'secure' - because it doesn't work that way. The wisdom will come. The security will come. But first you must begin your adventure.

Ron Atchison

Deep down inside we know
that the best gifts
don't come from catalogs
or shopping malls
They don't come in brightly-colored packages
or fancy envelopes
and they're not sitting under a tree somewhere...
The best gifts come from the heart.
They come when we look at each other
REALLY look at each other
and say 'You mean a lot to me'
or 'I'm so glad you're a part of my life'
A gift like that
will never go out of style
or be forgotten
or be returned for a different size.
A gift like that can change the world.

Ron Atchison

Dear God of many Names,
Protect your children tonight wherever they are sleeping
And let them know the world does not have to be like this
Place a kiss upon each of their foreheads
And remind them oh so gently
That there are reasons to be hopeful
And reasons for them to dream beautiful dreams.


Ron Atchison

This place where you are… this place where you stand… is where you must start. From here you can go in any direction and to any destination... and it is impossible to start from anywhere else.

Ron Atchison

It's not too late... the angel said.
Even though the world's a mess...
Even though you're not as young...
Even though you've made mistakes and have been afraid
It's not too late...
And then I saw the world through the angels' eyes...
I saw the colors I could paint
The bridges I could build
The lives that I could touch
The dreams that could still come true
And it became very clear to me...
That it's not too late.

Ron Atchison

When you clean your house... clean it as if God were going to be your special guest. Because He is.

When you prepare a meal... prepare it as if God were going to be sitting at your table. Because He is.

When you work... work as if God will be your customer. Because He is.

And when you speak with another... speak as if you were speaking with God. Because you are.

Ron Atchison

If you look for the beautiful, you will find it.

Ron Atchison





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